Sustainable Technologies and Services for Adaptation to Climate Change in Flood- and Drought-Endangered Settlement Areas in Ghana
Ghana, like the entire African continent, is affected by climate change. Temperatures in Ghana are expected to continue rising in the future, rainfall in the rainy season and drought in the dry season will increase and cause socio-economic damage. Ghana in general, but especially the northern savannah region, is at high risk of flooding, drought and bush fires. The urban regions, including the capital Accra located in the south of the country, are increasingly affected by heavy rainfall.

Project Description
The guidelines and documents on adaptation to climate change published in recent years by the government of Ghana call for immediate action in view of the impending challenges. The RAIN joint research project aims to combine an early warning system with intelligent technical and organisational water management…

Project Structure
In the RAIN joint project, not only a water management and supply concept is being developed, but also a drought and flood early warning system with technical and organisational water management. By integrating a multi-stage treatment chain for surface water, irrigation methods and flood and dry periods…

Work Packages
The aim of this research project is to deploy sustainable and innovative technologies and services. On the one hand, this requires the research and collection of a large number of data, such as hydrological and meteorological data or historical data on floods and drought. Another important aspect is the selection…
Presentation of the BMBF-funded project RAIN in the German pavilion at the World Water Forum in Dakar
From March 21 to 26, visitors and exhibitors could inform themselves in Dakar (Senegal) about the RAIN project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)…
Installation of low-budget weather stations in the stream Haarbach
In August 2021, weather stations developed within the BMBF-funded joint project RAIN were completed. They were installed on a bridge in the Haarbach in Aachen for medium-term testing…
GIS-workshop for students of the University of Ghana
In May and June, a GIS workshop was held with students from the University of Ghana as part of the capacity building of work package 4 in the BMBF-funded joint project…
Visit of the Adentan Municipality in the Sakumono area, Ghana
In the end of April 2021, Dorien Lugt, a research associate from HKV visited the Adentan Municipality in the Sakumono basin near Accra to discuss modelling results…
Third Measuring Campaign in Pilot Areas
The last measuring campaign has been successfully conducted in the pilot regions of Accra during the end of rainy season in Ghana from November to December 2020. Our partner Envaserv…
Cooperation with Ghanaian students: Dissertations and master theses on Ghanaian flood management, early warning systems and water management
The content of the BMBF-funded joint project RAIN will be the basis for six final theses, which will be worked on by Ghanaian students…
Project Partners
German Partners

Industrial Partners

Subcontractor (of FiW)

Ghanaian Partners