The 9th World Water Forum (WWF) was held under the theme “Water Security for Peace and Development” and was hosted for the first time in Senegal. From March 21 to 26, 2022, visitors and exhibitors in Dakar were able to exchange ideas and information on water security and other water-related topics.
In line with this theme, Manuel Krauss and Rona Michaelis from the Research Institute for Water Management and Climate Future at RWTH Aachen University (FiW) e.V., presented their approaches and developments in the RAIN research and development project.
The presentation of the project took place in the German pavilion in the form of a stand session on “Water Management and Disaster Risk Reduction – Experiences from transdisciplinary research projects in Ghana and Cameroon”, as well as during a special session focusing on “Storm Water Management in West Africa – Global Thinking for Local Solutions”. In addition, Manuel Krauss gave a presentation on “Best Practice sharing and presentations of lessons learned from the development of a flood forecast for the German-Ghanian project RAIN in Accra”.
The project makes an important contribution to water security in the target region – the guiding theme of this year’s World Water Forum.
At this point we would like to thank German Water Partnership for the great organization of the German pavilion.
Learn more about the RAIN project:
More information about the WWF: https://worldwaterforum.org/en/forum/world-water-forum-a-unique-platform-for-the-water-community-and-decison-makers